The most frequently asked questions within the Digital Impact Program

28 Nov 2022

There are only 3 days left until the deadline for submitting Concept Notes ifor the Digital Impact Program for the Cahul region.

And even though we hope that we have answered all the existing questions from the potential beneficiaries and partners of the program, we decided to come up with some of the most frequently asked questions about the program:

1. We have a great idea, but we are not active in the Cahul region. But we can immediately open a branch there as well. If so, could we apply to the program?

No, only entities that have been registered in the Cahul region at least 12 months ago are eligible for the program.

2. How ​​do I know if my idea is a digitization project or not?

By “digitalization” is meant the adaptation of a system or work process to be operated or improved through the application of technology. It will automate the work of the company or organization, increasing the satisfaction of the final beneficiaries, optimizing costs and/or increasing the efficiency of the work process.

Technically speaking, the amount of the digitalization grant will be fully transferred to the IT company that will develop and/or implement the digitalization solution. Accordingly, within the Digital Impact program, the digitalization solution must represent a technical task, to be developed by an IT company.

3. Is the procurement of equipment eligible in the project proposed by the beneficiaries?

Equipment procurement is not eligible under the Digital Impact program. But if the equipment is indispensable for the implementation of the proposed technical task, and can be procured by the IT company in the implementation process, it could be included in the program, provided that the costs for this equipment are considerably lower than the total cost of the proposed project.

4. Is it necessary in the Concept Note to describe in detail the technical characteristics of the digital product/service we want to develop?

The Concept Note represents a general description of your idea, which should be detailed enough for the selection committee to understand both its aim and its importance, its benefit. We want to understand the idea proposed for development as well as possible, but its technical characteristics are not the most important aspect at this stage. Only project concepts that will be pre-selected from the concept notes will be invited to work on developing a detailed description of the desired solution.

5. I have the perfect idea, but it is not assigned to any of the key areas: agriculture, logistics, trade, public services or tourism. Can I apply?

Yes. In addition to the 5 key areas, ideas from other areas are also considered eligible, provided that they bring a solid argument of impact and relevance for the Cahul region.

6. Can I prepare the application in Russian or English?

No, only applications in Romanian are acceptable.

For more details, contact us at: or 068732493, Cătălina Plinschi – Project Coordinator.

Digital Impact is a program carried out by Startup Moldova as part of the EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul project, financed by the European Union and Sweden and implemented by ATIC.

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Serghei Cobuscean

Administrative Director at M Grinder ICT

An experienced project manager in both public and private sectors, with focus on attracting and managing aid and investment. Serghei established strategic partnerships with international donors, raising significant funds (e.g., €7 million for energy efficiency initiatives). Provided strategic consultancy to over 50 public bodies and private companies, leading to improved operational efficiencies. Managed cross-border cooperation projects, coordinating with multiple partners from different countries. Communication language: ENG, RO