Yearly, there are more than 10k international events for startups organised worldwide. We have shortlisted the events which we recommend to Moldovan tech startups to analyse and consider attending. We took into account the regional relevancy and previous experience of attending these events. But we also advise each startup to do their homework and research deeper the events most relevant for their particular vertical, as those might be overlooked in this generic list.
A short guidebook for startups
Starting from Startup Moldova Summit with 300+ offline participants and ending with large-crowd events such as Web Summit with over 70.000 participants, most international events lead to a constant fear of missing out and a feeling of being lost in the crowd if there is no clear agenda and purpose for participation.
We have gathered together a list of basic rules for founders to nail their participation at the international events for startups and maximise the outcome of their time spent in this marathon-like journeys.
Serghei Cobuscean
An experienced project manager in both public and private sectors, with focus on attracting and managing aid and investment. Serghei established strategic partnerships with international donors, raising significant funds (e.g., €7 million for energy efficiency initiatives). Provided strategic consultancy to over 50 public bodies and private companies, leading to improved operational efficiencies. Managed cross-border cooperation projects, coordinating with multiple partners from different countries. Communication language: ENG, RO