Crunchyroll: Program Management Meetup

This time Crunchyroll will share with you knowledge of Program Management.
„Fast and Agile” cu Alina Metreniuc – the title of this presentation shows the desired words for the organization striving to succeed in a fundamentally fast world. We will talk about basic principles and examples that inspire you to generate ideas for accelerating the team’s processes.
„How to start working with a new team. A practical guide by Tatiana Croitoru”- we will discuss the aspects a Project/Program manager has to address when joining a new team that will enable them to have a viable first sprint and start working with the team in as little as two weeks.
About the speakers:
Alina Metreniuc is a Technical Program Manager at Crunchyroll. She works with Game Consoles and Account Services teams.
Tatiana Croitoru is a Technical Project Manager at Crunchyroll, a team traveler, and an unintended multitasker. Tatiana is currently working with the Content Delivery team.
We have a shared love for Program Management – the speakers guarantee space for open questions and discussion on challenges you’ve encountered. We also want to hear about your experience, and please be ready to share your knowledge with us!
We will be waiting for you on December 7 at the Crunchyroll Office.
Register here:


Dec 07 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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