Conference: Alternative Funding for Startups and SMEs

📊Conference: Alternative Funding for Startups and SMEs

Access to funding is one of the critical pillars that can ensure the growth of a successful entrepreneurial community. We are thrilled to invite you to a groundbreaking conference that will delve into the details of the primary alternative funding tools available to entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova.

During this event, we will dive deep into education and partnership development for five key alternative funding instruments:

1. Crowdfunding
2. Business angels
3. Venture capital funds
4. Equity funding
5. Funding programs and grants

The event will take place at Digital Park on December 8th, providing significant opportunities for learning and networking.

Event Agenda:

1. The Importance of Investment for Companies: Investments serve as the backbone of sustainable business growth. We will explore how strategic investments can contribute to lasting success.

2. Investment Culture as an Investment Method: A unique perspective on how investment culture can influence entrepreneurs’ decisions in choosing financing methods.

3. Crowdfunding and Associated Regulations: You will gain insight into how crowdfunding has evolved and how regulations have adapted to support this accessible funding method.

4. Interactive Workshop hosted by FAGURA: An opportunity for direct interaction with experts from FAGURA, where you can address specific questions and receive valuable advice tailored to your needs.

5. Funding Programs offered by Public Institutions in the Republic of Moldova: We will unveil funding programs available through state entities, which can be a valuable resource for your business.

6. Modern Investments, Business Angels, and Private Equity: Deepen your understanding of modern investments, the role of private investors, and how they can contribute to the growth of your business.

The objective of this event is to gather entrepreneurs and provide essential information to help you make informed decisions regarding your business financing. This event also offers a networking platform to connect with professionals in the investment and entrepreneurship fields.

To participate, please register in advance. The conference is tailored to entrepreneurs from various industries, with a special focus on digitization.

This conference offers you the opportunity to gain vital knowledge and expand your network. We eagerly await your participation and your contribution to the development of your business!

‼️Get your Early Bird ticket today

The event is organized by Startup Moldova,, and Fagura, with the support of USAID Moldova, the Embassy of Sweden in Moldova, and UKAid Moldova.


Dec 08 2023


9:00 am - 2:00 pm

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