Innovative Solutions4Moldova Hackathon

Moldova needs innovation in energy, agriculture and road safety. If you feel you can make an impact through synergy and the power of the technology community, then the Innovative Solutions4Moldova Hackathon is waiting for you! Together we will create technology solutions that accelerate Moldova’s sustainable development in these key areas.
🧠 Entrants: We expect unique visions and expertise from the 70 participants who will enter the competition:
– Developers and engineers: software developers and digital architects.
– Experts in the fields of: road safety, energy and agriculture.
– IoT specialists: connectors between the physical and digital worlds.
– Blockchain experts: experts in data transparency and security.
– Entrepreneurs and innovators: visionaries who see the market potential and impact of solutions.
– Business analysts: the bridge between technology and business goals.
– Data analysts: masters of information who can reveal hidden stories in data.
– Designers: the artists behind user interfaces and user experiences.
and any technology and innovation enthusiast
Throughout the event, experienced mentors from the fields of energy, road safety and agriculture will guide and support your teams, ensuring that the solutions developed are pragmatic, relevant and aligned with the goals of the targeted domains ⚡
You will develop solutions to specific tasks and data provided by UNDP Moldova and its partners.
⏱️În the 24 hours, you will work!


Nov 10 - 12 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Orange Kitchen

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